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"Even though I was relatively sceptical to the program it has provided me with a healthy distance to myself and a curiosity towards people which are incredibly liberating.

Thinking Into Results has given me a positive attitude towards my profession as a salesman.

In terms of results and profit in my role as a salesman, I have now after 31 years in the industry rekindled my energy with fantastic results to show for it.

I increased my hit ratio of 90% to 100% and from about 25 million SEK in turnover to a bit over 30 million last year.

What I also must recommend in addition to the Thinking Into Results course is the 1-1 coaching sessions with Adam. He gives me truths that may not always be what you want to hear but none the less important!

Now 6 months later I am still on a 100% hit ratio, and I have earned hundreds of thousands in commissioned sales!"

Matti - Global Sales Manager:

"I have worked for myself for a long time in various ways to get a better self-esteem and achieve higher results, without so much change. After training and coaching with Adam he has with his unique qualities and educational ability given me tools that I use daily in my professional work and in my personal life.

I have earlier focused on obstacles, today all I see is opportunities. I have learnt to focus on the "right" thought. TIR (Thinking Into Results) is a powerful tool that affected me personally and my results in a phenomenal way."

Eva-Lena - Teacher & Entrepreneur

"Thinking Into Results is highly recommended.
Adam Arvidsson is a fantastic facilitator.
I just went through "TIR" for the 2nd time and have used this round to use Adam Arvidsson as a coach.

Thank you very much for your coaching.

I have now reduced my weight by 3.4 kg and I have begun to feel the change from within.

Some people have begun to notice my change.

This has also affected my business in my clinic and work.

It's the best money and the best time I have spent in a very long time.
Thank you Adam Arvidsson."

Ullapia - Entrepreneur & Business owner

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